ClickFunnels: Enabling People To Grow Their Companies Through Sales Funnels
Create Powerful Follow-Up Funnels To Connect (And Reconnect) With Your Audience...
Even AFTER They Leave Your Funnel!
Follow-Up Funnels (Previously Called Actionetics) Is The EASIEST Way To Speak Directly To Your Visitors, And Send Them The PERFECT Message That They Need, At The Exact Time They Need It…
From: Russell Brunson
Subject: What is a follow-up funnel and how can I use one in my company?
I want to talk to you for a few minutes about the often overlooked ‘Second Funnel’ that’s invisible to the naked eye…

Yet for most people, actually makes MORE money than any of the funnels you normally see.
What’s the ‘Second Funnel’?
Well first, let me share with you what the ‘First Funnel’ is... and why so many Entrepreneurs are spinning their Entrepreneurial wheels, and can’t seem to generate much profit in their online business...

You see, the funnels you typically see online serve two major purposes - they help you to generate leads, and convert visitors into customers... right?

With a Front End funnel, your goal is often to just break even on your ad spend, (and if your funnel is really good, you can probably make some profit as well.)
Take my "Dotcom Secrets" book funnel for example…
Last Month's Stats:
  Leads: 5,410
  Book Sales: 2,395
  Avg. Cart Value: $30.81
  Ad Spend: $45,019.26
  Sales: $52,783.20
  Profit: $7,763.94
Over the course of just one month, I spent $45,019 on ads to drive traffic.  

From that traffic, I generated $52,783 in book sales, and added 5,410 new leads to my list.

Total Month’s Profit from my Dot Com Secrets book funnel? A little over $7K.  
For every $1 that I spent on ads, I received $1.17 back.
The same ‘break-even’ results apply for all of my other front-end funnels as well:
  • 108 Split Tests…
  • Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook…
  • Expert Secrets…
I make a little bit of profit off of each of these funnels.
In fact, if you add up the cost for ALL of my Front End Funnels over a month’s time, here’s what it looks like:
108 Split Tests
  Sales: $12,410.06
  Ad Spend: $11,667.40
  Profit: $742.66
  Sales: $7,988.09
  Ad Spend: $6,900.33
  Profit: $1,087.76
Expert Secrets
  Sales: $52,774.98
  Ad Spend: $44,835.71
  Profit: $7,921.27
Thanks to my Front End funnels, ClickFunnels generates about 1,200 new targeted leads EVERYDAY, and I’m building my list not just for free... but at a small profit (about $17k per month total)!

Pretty cool, right?
“But Russell…$17K per month??
That’s not much profit.
How can you live like that?”
This is exactly where most Entrepreneurs get STUCK building their business online...

They create their product.

They build a front-end funnel.

They buy some ads, and drive traffic to their landing page.

And maybe they make some sales, but it just goes right back into buying more ads…

For all the work that you put in, you need to generate a bigger profit in order for your business (and your sanity) to survive.

You can have a business that generates a Million dollars in revenue, and still only walk away with $10K per month in profit.

This is where many Entrepreneurs get frustrated, and STOP.
But the REAL Money lies in the
Second Funnel…
The invisible funnel that most Entrepreneurs never create, because it is so often overlooked
The tiny profit that you earn from a front-end funnel is just the very tip of the Entrepreneurial Iceberg…

But the BIGGEST profit potential is in what we call Follow-Up Funnels!

With a Follow-Up funnel, you can send messages and sequences that speak directly to your visitors, so you can cultivate a relationship, and turn them into customers.

Follow-Up Funnels are the BIGGEST and easiest source of profit potential for your business...and most entrepreneurs are MISSING it completely!

By adding in a simple Follow-Up funnel, I turned every $1 in sales from my book funnels into $16.49!
Did you just catch that?
Follow-Up Funnels INSTANTLY
16X’d my business!
If every $1 that you generate in sales brings you an extra $10 in your follow-up funnel…

Or $12…

Or $20…

How often would you send messages to follow-up with your audience?

When you send messages to your audience through a follow-up funnel, you can easily MULTIPLY your profit.

But not just ANY messages. Let me explain...
The #1 “Follow-Up” Mistake Almost ALL Entrepreneurs Are Making
(chances are, you’re probably doing this right now with your audience!)
When it comes to communicating with your visitors and leads online, it’s so easy to forget that they are a bunch of different individuals who have different fears, and hopes, and dreams…

Instead, you lump them all together, and see them as ONE person.

You create one customer ‘avatar’...

You build one sales funnel…

You deliver one sales message...

You follow-up with one email sequence...

...all in a giant effort to convert MANY different types of people!
It makes No sense...right?
And because you have just one follow-up message that’s supposed to magically speak to everyone, you’re being punished with lower conversions, less sales, and less money than you deserve. :(

I don’t know about you, but at ClickFunnels, that really bothered us…
So we found a way to fix it...
That’s why we created a SIMPLE follow-up tool inside ClickFunnels… 
Follow-Up Funnels (previously Actionetics) isn’t just an email autoresponder…(although you can create, schedule, and deliver your emails seamlessly and easily!)

But more importantly, you no longer have to speak to your customers as if they are ONE person!
You can see EXACTLY who is coming into your funnel, and then market to them based on who they are, where they came from, and the actions they take in your funnel!
This Is Why THOUSANDS Of Entrepreneurs Are Moving Their Follow-Up System inside ClickFunnels! 
Here’s How Follow-Up Funnels (Actionetics) Works...
EVERYTHING You Need To Speak Directly To Your Visitors, And Give Them Messages They Need... At The EXACT Time They Need It!
Let Me Show You How EASY It Is To Create Follow-Up Funnels, and Deliver Messages To Your Audience…
(AFTER they leave your funnel!)  
STEP #1:
Start Building Your Lists…
In every funnel, there are multiple list building opportunities, like:
Where visitors give you their email address in exchange for something cool...
Registration pages...
Where people give you their email address to sign up to attend a webinar…
...Where they add their email address as part of their customer information and check-out process…
Every time one of your visitors gives you their email, they are added to your LIST, so you can follow-up with them later!
It's Simple and easy to add your visitors onto your list..
Step #1:
Pre-Create A List
Creating lists inside Follow-Up Funnels (formerly Actionetics) is EASY!

Under the “Email Lists” tab, click the “Add New List” button. Simply give your new list a NAME (so you can find it easily when you have several lists), and save your settings.

That’s it! Your list is IMMEDIATELY created, and ready to start housing email addresses! 
Step #2:
When you set up your... 

• Landing page
• Order page
• Registration page

...simply create an action in the automations tab that "subscribes" them to your list. 

You can even segment out buyers vs. non-buyers in different lists with simple action rules that move people from list to list depending on the actions they take in your funnel.
Step #3:
Create “Smart Lists”  
Follow-Up Funnels has an advanced Proprietary Tagging System, which allows you to create what we call a “Smart List”.

With a Smart List, you can quickly segment your list based on all the smart information that is collected from your customer...

• Who they are
• How they entered your funnel
• What their buying history and behaviors are
• What actions they’ve taken in your funnel
Why are Smart Lists so important?
With other platforms that use tagging, the customer is entered to a specific list RIGHT THEN. You have to create the tags you think you'll need ahead of time in order to get the relevant data.
Smart Lists are like the future of tagging!
You can instantly retrieve any information as needed...even if you don’t know the tag ahead of time.

You can pull KEY information on your customers whenever you want. Think of it as data-mining, where at ANY point, you can find out:
  • Where your customers live… 
  •  How many fans/followers they have…
  •  What magazines/books they read, and what their interests are...
  •   How much money they make…
  •  How long they stayed on your landing page…
  •  How recently they purchased from you...
  •  Who your SUPER-BUYERS are (the ones who buy and consume everything you offer)...
All this information (and so much more) helps you to better understand WHO your customers are, how you can provide value to them, and how much each individual customer is worth.

You can pull any information and create a “Smart List”, and send them a broadcast email, or put them through a follow-up funnel that speaks directly to them.

That’s pretty CRITICAL information to have when you’re trying to build a list, right?

You’d speak to a SUPER-BUYER completely differently than you would someone who has never purchased your products, and doesn’t even know who you are yet...

Smart Lists allow you to retrieve a segmented list of your audience whenever you want, and then you can customize your messages based on who you’re talking to!
Here’s how to easily build a Smart List:
Step 1: Under the “Email Lists” tab, click the “Add New List” button. Simply give your new list a NAME (so you can find it easily when you have several lists).

Step 2: Assign the “rule” for the Smart List that you want to create…
For example: You can assign a rule that will create a list of people who have purchased from you, who have 1,000 followers or more on FB (The rule that you create for your smart list is entirely up to you).
STEP #2:
Create A “Follow-Up Funnel”
Now that you have a list, you can start creating your Multi Dimensional Follow-Up Funnel!
What Does Multi Dimensional Mean?
Actionetics isn’t just your email is so much more than that!

A good Follow-Up Funnel starts with an email...but it doesn’t end there.

Because let’s face it…
Your audience isn’t magically in their email inbox 24/7...right?

They’re all over the place!

They are tackling projects at at their workplace...

Scrolling through their newsfeed on Facebook…

Watching videos on YouTube…

Taking the kids to after-school practices…

Running errands...

It makes it pretty tough to get in touch with your audience if all you send them is an email and that’s NOT where they happen to be.

Because of that, we wanted a better way to reach our customers, no matter where they are, or what they’re doing!
Let me SHOW you the power behind Actionetics MD...
With Actionetics Multi Dimensional Follow-Up Funnels, you can reach your prospects no matter where they are at, or what they are doing!
You can communicate with them from MANY different angles…
  • Emails…
  • Facebook Messenger…
  • Retargeting Ads…
  •  Desktop Notifications…
  •  SMS...
If they don’t get your message in one place, you can catch them in other places that they are more likely to check… (this way, you have all your communication bases covered, no matter what their day looks like, or where they are!)
This is why Actionetics MD is the future of Follow-Up funnels! 
Sure, there are other email autoresponder services out there...

There are services for Facebook Messenger...
And desktop notification services…
And SMS services…

...but they are all separate services, (with separate fees, which can really add up!)

Even if you did have all of these services separately, they still wouldn’t “talk to each other”.

(Example: Your facebook notifications have NO clue who opened the email that you sent...right?)
This is why Actionetics MD is so powerful!
Actionetics MD is the ONLY platform in the world that can see everything together!

It sees your entire funnel...
  • Your Order Forms and Upsell Pages...
  •  Your Email Messages...
  • Your Facebook Messages...
  •  You Desktop Notifications...
It sees ALL of it!

And you can create your Follow-Up funnels using MANY communication angles, based on what your customers are doing (or not doing) inside your funnel! 
It’s like the all-seeing EYE of Follow-Up Funnels!
And you can create your Follow-Up funnels using MANY communication angles, based on what your customers are doing (or not doing) inside your funnel! 
Here’s What A Follow-Up Funnel Actually LOOKS Like, And How Easy It Is To Create One…
Step #1:
Create a Follow-up Funnel
Just like you can quickly create a lead gen or sales funnel inside ClickFunnels, you can quickly build Follow-Up Funnels (formerly called Actionetics) to reconnect with your audience.   
To Add A Follow-Up Funnel:
Inside your dashboard, click on the “Follow-Up Funnels” tab, and click on the “Add New Follow Up Funnel” button…
Step #2:
Select What Type Of Message You Want To Send…
There are different kinds of messages that you can send, like:
Email Messenger
Email Messenger lets you design incredible looking emails, and then push them into the email inbox of your subscribers…

You can setup “send windows”, so they show up during the time of day that they are most likely to open their emails!

To help increase your email deliverability, you can also easily STOP sending emails to your subscribers who aren’t engaging with your emails…

That way your deliverability actually goes up every time you send an email!
Here’s How To Add Email Messenger To Your Follow-Up Funnel…
Step 1:
Click “Add New Step”, and select the Email Message icon...
Step 2:
For each Desktop message in your follow-up funnel that you add, simply:

1) Verify your settings - create a NAME for this step in your funnel (so you can easily find it if you have several messages), and make sure your “FROM” name is displayed the way you want.

2) Create your message - add a subject line, pick which pre-designed email template you like best, and add in your own email copy.

3) Choose when to send it - you have the power to schedule when your messages will be sent based on when the visitor goes through your funnel.
2. Facebook Messenger
This delivers your messages straight into the Facebook inbox of your subscribers!

In fact...we get 8X the clicks from messages using Facebook messenger then we do sending email!
Here's How To Add Facebook Messenger To Your Follow-Up Funnel…
Step 1:
Click “Add New Step”, and select the Facebook Message icon...
Step 2:
For each Facebook message in your follow-up funnel that you add, simply:

1) Verify your settings
2) Create your message
3) Schedule your message to be delivered
3. Retargeting Messenger
You can create retargeting messages, and push them directly into customer audiences on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube…

You can retarget them with messages and ads that they need, based on what they did (or didn’t do) in your funnel.
Here’s How You Add Retargeting Messenger Into Your Follow-Up Funnel…
Step 1:
Click “Add New Step”, and select the Retargeting Message icon...
Step 2:
For each retargetting message in your follow-up funnel that you add, simply:

1) Verify your settings
2) Create your message
3) Schedule your message to be delivered
4. Desktop Notifications
Because your subscribers aren’t in their emails or on Facebook ALL day, you need to be able to reach them elsewhere...

You can send desktop notifications, so whether they are hanging out on one of their favorite websites, gaming, surfing the internet, shopping online, etc... you can still follow-up and connect with them!
Here’s How You Add Desktop Notifications To Your Follow-Up Funnel…
Step 1:
Click “Add New Step”, and select the Desktop icon...
Step 2:
For each Desktop message in your follow-up funnel that you add, simply:

1) Verify your settings - create a NAME for this step in your funnel (so you can easily find it if you have several messages), and make sure your “FROM” name is displayed the way you want.

2) Create your message - add a subject line, pick which pre-designed email template you like best, and add in your own email copy.

3) Schedule your message to be delivered - tell Actionetics how many days (and hours) after your follow-up sequence starts should the message be sent out.
Text Notifications
Mobile notifications allow you to reach your subscribers even when they aren’t on their computer...

Whether your subscribers are running errands around town, travelling, at the gym, or relaxing at home...chances are, their phone is almost never more than an arm’s length away! Which means, no matter where they are, or what they are doing, you can still reach them!
To Add Text Notifications To Your Follow-Up Funnel…
Step 1:
Click “Add New Step”, and select the Mobile icon...
Step 2:
For each Mobile message in your follow-up funnel that you add, simply:

1) Verify your settings - create a NAME for this step in your funnel (so you can easily find it if you have several messages), and make sure your “FROM” name is displayed the way you want.

2) Create your message - add a subject line, pick which pre-designed email template you like best, and add in your own email copy.

3) Choose when to send it - you have the power to schedule when your messages will be sent based on when the visitor goes through your funnel.
Creating a follow-up funnel is that EASY!
The cool part is, you can easily MIX & MATCH the messages you want to send!

So your Follow-Up Sequence could look something like this:
Day 1: Send Them An Email
Day 2: Send Them A Text Through Mobile Notifications
Day 3: Send Another Email
(if they didn’t open the Email from Day 1, simply resend it. If they DID open it, you can automatically register them for your webinar.)
STEP #3:
You Can Also Send BROADCASTS To Your Subscribers…
Want to send a broadcast-style message out to your list, or Smart Lists?

No problem… 

Let’s say you have a weekend launch, or a 3-Day Special, and you want to get the word out to your lists…

Just like the previous step, you can create a Smart List, and then choose which broadcasts you want to send, based on your list.
How Do You Actually Use Broadcast Follow-Up Messages In Your Business?
Here’s just a few examples of how WE like to use  broadcasts on a regular basis:
Send a Broadcast Text to remind our registrants of an upcoming webinar
Send a Broadcast Email to let your list know about a new upcoming webinar, or product that you’re launching (or re-launching)! 
Send a Broadcast Facebook Message, and send them to a new video you just created! 
By sending broadcast messages, you can reach your audience, and let them know what's happening (a sale, a webinar, an event, etc..) and send them exactly where you want them to go!
STEP #4:
Dig Into Your Stats And Make Adjustments 
After your emails are sent, you can check your stats to see what happened to each email.

Each email has its own stats button, so for every message you send out, you’ll be able to determine:
  • Who opened your emails..
  •  Who clicked-through to your landing page...
  •  Who purchased...
  •  And how much money you generated from each email!
You can use this critical information to keep all of your highest converting emails (or even bump them up sooner in your follow-up sequence), and adjust the emails that didn’t perform as well.  
Can You See Why So Many People Just Like You Are
Moving Their Companies
Into ClickFunnels?
Can You See Why So Many People Just Like You Are moving their companies into ClickFunnels?
15 Year Old Was Able To Use To Take Over His Parents Business!
Went From Living In A Closet To Total Financial Freedom!
Local Painter Uses ClickFunnels To Get 10X More Leads Almost FREE!
Local Gym Owner Uses Funnels To Fill Any Gym In 30 Days!
eCommerce Sellers Leaving Amazon For Funnels!
Expanded my reach and impact around the world!
Funnels Work For Getting Leads For People In B2B!
Launched A Funnel In 30 Minutes WITHOUT A Programmer!
**Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of ClickFunnels. Their results are not
typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and
market forces beyond our control. Please note that ClickFunnels is not a business opportunity.
ClickFunnels is a website and funnel builder that helps businesses sell their products and services
online. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your
money back.**
As You Can See... ClickFunnels Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is,
Are YOU Next?
As You Can See... ClickFunnels Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
Like I mentioned before, you can signup now for a FREE 14 day trial and see if ClickFunnels is for you!  

Oh, and in case you're wondering...
There Is NO CATCH!
“Ok Russell…all this free stuff… What’s the catch?”    

So, there is NO catch.

But there IS a very specific reason why I’m doing this...

A few reasons, actually:
  • It’s one of the best ways I can think of to give back and contribute. I firmly believe that in order to keep growing in business, at a certain point, the student must become the teacher, and help others who are on the same journey.
  • ClickFunnels needs to be USED in order to fully grasp how it can help simplify and grow your business online. You wouldn’t dream of buying a car without first taking it for a test drive to see what it can do (and if it’s the right fit), right?
I've tried to give you EVERY reason to say YES, but now it is YOUR choice

So, which one’s it gonna’ be?

If you want to choose the life of financial security and freedom...I’m giving you the incredibly simple, easy, cheap and quick way to switch over to the side of life where worries are few and fun is a-plenty!

Make no mistake. Your decision whether to take the free trial or not does not affect me or my lifestyle one bit.
If you do nothing...
nothing happens.
I won’t live any differently than I do now. My life won’t change one lick if you decide against coming on board with us.

But…YOUR LIFE could change dramatically when you take advantage of this rare opportunity to start on my shoulders - and get everything you need to make it rain.

You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose.

You’ve already paid your dues in life, and now it’s YOUR TIME to get the payback!
Time Is Of The Essence...
If you've made it this far, you’ve already taken a gigantic step forward.

The next step?


And this is the clear line that separates winners from the losers.

Action is the real key to making it big in this world full of dreamers and armchair mystics.

  - Anyone can say they want riches
  - Anyone can set goals for riches.
  - Anyone can dream of riches.

But the rewards come only to those who actually DO SOMETHING, not talk about doing something.

You can elect to grab the riches within your reach now, or continue living your life as usual.

I think the choice is clear.
Do You Have A Guarantee?
Of course. :) 

I guarantee that you'll LOVE ClickFunnels...

...and if for some reason you decide later that you don't want to be a member anymore, then we'll happily cancel your account without any penalties or fees. 
We don't believe in any long term contracts so you can come and go as you please.
So, are you excited about ClickFunnels yet? :) 
If so, then NOW is the time to take action!
Here's what you need to do right now:
Let Me Show You Everything You'll Get Today When You Join ClickFunnels Today! 
Everything You Get With Your FREE TRIAL Today!
 ClickFunnels - Smart Funnel Builder ($2,997/yr Value)
 Etison Editor - Simple Webpage Creation  ($1,997/yr Value)
 Backpack - Easy Affiliate System  ($997/yr Value)
 Follow-Up Funnels (formerly Actionetics)($4,997/yr Value)
 3 “Fast Funnel” Templates ($149 Value)
 Special Webclass Training ($149 Value)
 Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook (Digital) ($149 Value)
 Funnel Cookbook 3-Part Video Training Series ($149 Value)
 ClickFunnels Member Community  (Priceless...)
Total Value: $10,988 / Year
Get Started Today For:
From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button above, pick what subscription plan you want to be on, and we can finally get started!    

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watch the training video and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Russell Brunson
P.S. 30 days from now you can be nothing more than 30 days older or screeching off to the wildest ride of your life using funnels to grow your company. You choose.
Here Are A Few Other FAQs We Get A Lot:
  Do I have to pay for updates?
No! We give constant updates to our software, add new templates and you get it all for FREE! Because ClickFunnels is on the cloud, when we make an update or add new feature, they automatically show up in your account!
  Are my funnels secure?
Yes! Secure is our top priority, and we built ClickFunnels from the ground up to make sure your funnels, subscribers, and members area are secure. You don't have to worry about staying up-to-date with "plugins" that can easily be compromised.
  How long are your contracts?
There are NO long term contracts or commitments. You can use ClickFunnels month to month, and cancel at any time you'd like!
  If I have questions, is there someone I can talk to?
Yes! We have a first class support team who can answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just click on the "support" link on the bottom of any of our pages or go to 
  If I cancel my ClickFunnels account, will I lose my data?
As with most "software-as-a-service" platforms, when you cancel your account, your data will become inaccessible, but don't worry, before canceling you have the opportunity to download csv files of your contacts and members or "pause" your account and we'll keep everything backed up waiting so you can come back again later!
 Can I integrate my favorite autoresponders / shopping carts into ClickFunnels?
Yes, while we suggest that most people only use ClickFunnels to run your company, we also know that some of you have your own favorite tools you've used in the past, so we integrate with most of the top service providers to make your funnel building process even more fun!  

  Do I have to install anything?
No! We created ClickFunnels so you wouldn't have to have a whole I.T. department to run your website! Just login, start clicking, and you can build all of the pages in your funnel from the members area!
  Can you handle the load?
Yes! Because ClickFunnels is hosted on the largest public cloud cluster in the world (powered by Amazon and backed up by CloudFlare Security + CDN) we have virtually unlimited ability to scale in real time. Whether you send 100 visitors or 100,000+ today, it won't slow us down!
  Who owns the data / content / subscribers?
You do! Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. ClickFunnels doesn't have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason. ClickFunnels is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR content!
  Can I host the pages myself?
No, we're a hosted, "software-as-a-service" platform. We do this so that we can make sure you get all of the updates, new features, and so your funnels won't break. You can also export the html from any of your pages, as well as your contacts anytime you'd like...
  If I don't like ClickFunnels, how do I cancel?
Simply login to your account, click on your account settings and click "cancel my account". No need to call, email, or talk to anyone!
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